NIIOS Cornea Evening – Live Online!


4:00 PM Broadcast open for viewers (freely accessible, only registration needed)
Welcoming music composed by John Gottsch & Gerrit Melles
4:15 PM Welcome by moderator Lamis Baydoun 


Much ado about corneal endothelial cells?
Expert round table

4:20 PM What to do with endothelial cells – implant, inject or not needed at all?
Silke Oellerich, NIIOS
4:25 PM Kathryn Colby, NYC, USA
Shigeru Kinoshita, Kyoto, Japan
Viridiana Kocaba, NIIOS
Jod Mehta, Singapore 
4:40 PM The Jip break (including faculty picture)


As you like it – I favor…
this DMEK storage medium:

4:50 PM Cold storage
Shahzad Mian, Ann Arbor, USA
4:55 PM Organ culture
Marc Muraine, Rouen, France

this technique for keratoconus:

Soosan Jacob, Chennai, India
5:05 PM Bowman layer transplantation
Isabel Dapena, NIIOS
5:10 PM Implantation of decellularized corneal stroma laminas
Jorge Alió del Barrio, Alicante, Spain
5:15 PM Interactive live discussion and Q&A
5:25 PM The NIIOS break

SESSION III: The taming of the DMEK graft or a Rotterdam night’s dream?

5:40 PM I wish I hadn’t done that
Jack Parker, Birmingham, USA
5:45 PM DMEK with double deep dive
David Rootman, Toronto, Canada
5:50 PM Tight roll, lose temper?
Sorcha Ní Dhubhghaill, NIIOS
5:55 PM Oops, I can’t believe I did that!!
Sadeer Hannush, Philadelphia, USA
6:00 PM Interactive live discussion and Q&A
6:10 PM The Audience break

SESSION IV: All’s well that ends well

6:20 PM Is all you need an e-device?
Keamela Vasanthananthan, NIIOS
6:25 PM A machine learning registry study to identify predictors of safer DMEK
Robert Wisse, Utrecht, The Netherlands
6:30 PM A graft’s journey: from recovery until transplantation
Esther Groeneveld-van Beek, NIIOS
6:35 PM Cost effectiveness of preloaded DMEK
Ula Jurkunas, Boston, USA
6:40 PM Interactive live discussion and Q&A
6:50 PM Closing by Gerrit Melles
We gratefully acknowledge the support of our partners and sponsors for this event:
EurobioVisser Contact lensesSurgiCubeZiemerLions Eye InstituteHorus PharmaMedical WorkshopKowaTimeff, and Hippocratech.